Acrobatics Flying Freedom
The synergy of music, dance, and acrobatics. We combine our experiences from different backgrounds in order to put storytelling into interactive shows. We make culture, history, and engagement touchable. We fly high and bring dynamic not only on stage but also into your heads. We provoke discussions and combine thought processes with the pure enjoyment of sports, art & culture


Seeing the world upside down, walking on hands, standing on the head of your partner. Acrobatics is an amazing discovery journey. Every practice we learn something new about our bodies and how to use them for funny and skillful figures. It’s the perfect mix of static and dynamic movements.
Jump high, replace, don’t buckle, twist fast. These are just a few of the elements which make cheerleading so exciting. Transitioning between and combining skills in addition to music with a lot of drive makes this fast-paced sport even more exciting. The cherry on top: looking effortless while going to the limits of physical possibilities.


Running, a way too boring means of traversing distances. Hence, we tumble within our performances. No matter if back- and front handspring ups, flips, fulls, or walkovers – we combine all of them and include those created tumble passes into our choreographies. A great element for increasing the dynamic and tension in the show.
Flying high is the motto of Rock’n’Roll acrobatics and the perfect ingredient to give the final polish to our shows. Where different techniques to throw and catch the flyer are combined with rotation figures creating moments in which you hold your breath – and continue to sigh in relief as you witness the catch.

What we offer:
Wherever people have fun watching us, we are willing to go. Contact us to discuss the details of our event. No matter if it is a street festival, a private birthday party or wedding – we are happy to join you and inspire you and your guests.
Learning how to do a hand2hand, finding out how to toss a flyer in the air, get feedback what you can improve to get more flexible and healthy – we are here to support you. As individual, as group, as partners… Contact us and we find a way to help you improving what you want to get better at.
Want to hear how to use sport to achieve your next career goal? Are you interested in inspiring your employees with an interesting talk about success and teamwork? Do you want to learn how to combine serious topics with creativity? We are happy to be invited and hold a speech, conduct a workshop or be part of a discussion.